“I Will Praise The Name Of God With A Song. I Will Magnify Him With Thanksgiving.” Psalm 70:30
Our Music Program is coordinated by Dr. Karyn Robbins, Music Director and Organist. She oversees multiple groups and individuals, who offer the gift of music to praise God and for all of us to enjoy and share, together.
There are several choirs at Good Shepherd, which offer many opportunities to praise our Lord in song, both with voice and through playing an instrument. Our choirs typically rehearse and participate in worship services from mid-September through early June.
If you are interested in joining any of the following groups or contributing in another way to the music at Good Shepherd, please contact Karyn by email or call at 585-872-2281.
Organ Update!
It's back!!!
The organ is tuned and ready for Sunday!!! We start the beginning of our church year with Advent I and pipe organ!
Click the photo to watch the December 3rd Postlude:
Toccata on “Savior of the Nations, Come” by Paul Manz
Blessed be the Lord!…with my song I give thanks to Him.” (Psalm 28:6a and 7b)
There are several choirs at Good Shepherd, which offer many opportunities to praise our Lord in song, both vocal and instrumental.
Adult Choir
Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:30–8:45 p.m. The choir leads worship every Sunday at 10:15 except Family Sundays. The choir also enhances special liturgies during Christmas and Holy Week.

Rehearsals are Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. The choir sings once a month for Family Sundays and also for special liturgies such as Christmas Eve and Easter.
Chime Choir: (senior high and adults)
Experience in counting music is important Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6:15 – 7:15. The choir plays once a month and for special liturgies and events.
Chime Quartet
This is a recently formed choir that meets Sunday after church and has been playing chimes for many years.
Brass Ensemble: (High School and Adults)
The Brass Ensemble plays for festive liturgies and special events. Rehearsals: TBA
Instrumentalists: (All Ages)
Individuals who wish to share their talents by playing preludes, postludes or other sacred music selections during worship. Individuals may accompany the choirs by playing the instrumental parts to the anthems.